It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Our Own School. We provide a unique educational experience for children by devoting all of our efforts to our strong mission, philosophy, and culture on a daily basis. As you will realize from reading this website, our goal is to provide our diverse student body with exceptional education, instilling in young people a love of learning, the ability to think independently, and the confidence to pursue their dreams and goals.
We offer an extraordinary academic and extracurricular program with high standards; we support each of our students as they work to reach the goals we set for them. Children are our valuable assets and we need to invest in their future adequately. Hence, we must build up the character of the students from the very childhood phase.
I have every hope and belief that Our Own School (OOS) is going to become a premier institution of its kind in this part of the world in the near future, amply fulfilling the educational aspirations of the parents who bring their children to its portals.
It is with great pride that I serve as the Management Committee and Board member. I believe in the education we offer at OOS, just as I believe in our faculty and our students. As you look through the following pages, envision your child in this environment, where we emphasize the important qualities of integrity, honesty, creativity, imagination, perseverance, respect, and self-discipline. If you want the very best for your child, OOS Daniha is your choice. We will welcome you warmly, and you will be excited by what you see here