About Us

Welcome to Our Own School

Our Own School is a CBSE affiliated educational institution is started in 2016 to meet the educational needs of a growing community. The school belongs to the Basir Noor Seba Educational Trust. It is a governing body Trust which has been registered under the Registration no. 962/15. A Managing Committee with representatives from the local community, parents, educationists, social workers and local firms run the school. The Board of Trustees look after the building construction. The curriculum of the school aims at the all-round development of young girls and boys. The low fee structure belonging to the weaker sections of the society as well. Equal opportunities are given to the students to excel in academic, athletic and cultural fields. We are confident that our students will bring credit to their Alma Mater by spreading the light of knowledge which we kindle in their hearts.

Mission & vision

Our Mission:

Exceeding Expectations of Excellence. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. We at Our Own School, equip the students with wings of imagination to accomplish their dream and inspire them to exceed their expectations of excellence towards such horizon of learning where they can diversify their learning to create skills and contribute towards building a society of versatile personalities.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to create a school where learning is defined by the inherent desire of child to learn, inspired by a philosophy of Love, Joy and Faith in the child as a learner, and guided by educational research and knowledge development. For us, this search is the beginning of a journey of moving with the strengths of known educational principles to the evolution of new practices of learning, nurturing and sharing. Here the students are facilitated to be the best versions of themselves.

Why Choose Us


Along with our students, we never stop learning.

Great teachers inspire great students. That’s why at OOS, we pay close attention to how we train and support both our new and experienced educators. We know just how rewarding a teaching career can be, when educators have the right support and opportunities to develop.

Great teachers inspire great students. That's why from simple roots in a family of teachers, OOS is a premier institution with a mission to provide quality education to all. Today, our family is over 50 inspired and qualified teachers, teaching support staff and school administrators from all communities, who help us to deliver the quality education.


The OOS Daniha Core Values are our collective beliefs. We set the standards that we expect from OOS Daniha– from employees and teachers, to parents and students.

Our Core Values also lie at the heart of our holistic approach to education – in our planned curriculum, in our school life and other places of work. OOS core Values help our learners become not just great students but great people as large.

  • Growing by Learning
  • Pursuing Excellence
  • Leading Through Innovation
  • Global Citizenship


We are always looking to find new and creative ways to stimulate learning and continually striving to improve the way we teach. Our emphasis on enquiry-based approaches, both within and beyond traditional learning environments, means we're quick to implement new technologies wherever we believe they will be beneficial; we are looking to develop well-rounded students with 21st century skills who are ready for an increasingly globalized world.

At OOS - Daniha, we benefit from best-practice teaching methods shared by professional educators but some of our freshest ideas come from listening to our students and their families.


As a parent, it’s only natural that you’ll want to take an active role in your child’s education. At OOS, we actively encourage parents to engage with their child’s learning and are leading the way to introduce a parental engagement strategy into our schools.

Research has shown that the single biggest reason a child does well at school is the support of parents who take a real, active and consistent interest in their child’s education at home. The research suggests that a parent who is actively and consistently engaged in their child’s learning can add the equivalent of 2-3 years of additional education over their school career. This is precisely why we’re so keen to promote the importance of parental engagement.

Conversation is at the heart of positive parental engagement. It’s not necessarily about sitting with your child and helping them with their homework. Every parent, regardless of their culture, language or experience, can talk to their child and show an interest in their learning. By asking questions, listening and encouraging your child with praise and direction, you can reinforce learning and become an active partner in the educational process.

We believe passionately in helping all our students reach their full potential, which is why we have introduced the Parental Engagement into our schools. This provides opportunities for parents to engage with their child’s learning and develop a better understanding of engagement strategies and their child’s learning needs.